
Person’s profile

The profile of the person includes the following information:

  • Personal data (such as name, PESEL number, date of birth)
  • Persons’ documents (*)
  • Keywords (*)
  • Contact information
  • Additional information: (*)
    • The works as a supervisor and reviewer
    • Doctorates
    • Postdoctorates
    • Professorships
  • Related data:
    • Innovations
    • Publications (*)
    • Projects
    • Conferences
    • Companies
    • Scientific institutions

Data marked with an asterisk (*) are available for linked accounts of Polish Science and Inventorum systems.

You can edit all the data as a part of your profile, provided that the personal information of users associated with the Polish Science account are subject to validation by the Inventorum employee (more on user permissions, see Roles and permissions in the system).

Marking as an expert/scientific reviewer

Each user can mark himself or herself as an expert or scientific reviewer in the system. He or she only has to do the following in his or her user profile: I am a scientific reviewer or I am an expert.



  1. You need to complete a profile, which will be validated by the Inventorum team in order to be marked as an expert or scientific reviewer. The System will notify you of the validation result.
  2. Scientific reviewer must have at least a PhD degree.
  3. Entering the number in Polish Science enables to quickly link accounts between Inventorum and Polish Science ( ) and automatically complete the necessary data for account that have already been entered in the Polish Science system.

Publication registration

The list of publications is synchronized with the data in the Support System for Selection of Reviewers.

You can register a new publication as the author in Inventorum. To do this, you must use the Add publication action in the Publications tab available from your profile. It is necessary to complete the form with the required data (basic data, abstracts, keywords) and to approve the operation.

Note: Only the users with validated data and linked to the Polish Science account (experts and scientific reviewers) can access the tab and manage the publications.

Link to the research unit (employment and functions)

Linking a person with the research unit takes place through employment or a function in that unit. Employment and function data are specified in the Polish Science system and they will be downloaded automatically during synchronization of accounts between the systems.

The Inventorum enables the creation of the non-scientific employment. You can see how can do this in The association with the scientific institution section.